My grandpa Harry always made lemon cakes for every family get together or birthday, I can remember the way it tastes so soft with such a yummy sweet glaze with candy birthday letters on top! You probably are thinking what is so special about a lemon cake well I don't think it's the cake at all that I loved so much; I think it was the family sitting around the table listening on the edge of their seats to stories my grandpa told believing every word until the moment when he gets to the punch line and everyone at the table bursts into laughter! It's knowing that every dinner with grandpa would end with cake and ice cream and laughs (a blissful feeling really).
Well my family lost my grandpa Harry in October 2010 after a short battle with cancer and last night I participated in Relay for Life in honor of him! And although I am exhausted after being up late and baking for hours, it was totally worth it to know that I had some part in helping the American Cancer Society! The night before the race I baked six dozen cupcakes and mixed up 6 batches of frosting! My poor mixer really worked it's butt off this weekend, but never once did it let me down!
One of the frostings I made for Relay for Life was a "new to me" recipe called Salted Caramel Frosting and it was quite tastey and I thought that i'd share it with you:
Salted Caramel:
1 cup sugar
4 tbs water
2 tbs light corn syrup
1/2 heavy cream
2 tbs butter
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt (kosher or sea)
Step 1: Combine the sugar, water, and corn syrup in a large saucepan and stir with a wooden spoon over medium heat until sugar is dissolved.
Step 2: Cover the sauce pan and let it cook over medium heat for 3 minutes.
Step 3: After 3 minutes, remove the lid and increase the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil.
Step 4: DO NOT STIR FROM THIS POINT ON but instead swirl the liquid around the pan so that the caramel doesn't burn.
Step 5: Continue to cook until the caramel turns an even amber color then remove from the heat and let stand for about 30 seconds.
Step 6: ***WATCH IT ON THIS ONE*** Pour the heavy cream into the mixture. The mixture will bubble up significantly and is SUPER hot.
Step 7: Stir the mixture again be really careful, add the butter, lemon juice and salt. Stir until combined.
Step 8: Measure 1 cup into a Pyrex measuring cup, stirring occasionally allow to cool until thick like molasses and warm to the touch (about 20 minutes). Save any extra in a sealed container in the fridge. Is yummy on ice cream not to mention your finger!
Salted Caramel Frosting:
2 stick of butter at room temperature
8 oz cream cheese
3-4 cups sifted powder sugar
1 cup salted caramel (recipe above)
Step 1: Beat butter and cream cheese at medium speed until creamy
Step 2: Add 2 cups of the powdered sugar in the creamy mixture until combined.
Step 3: Add 1 cup of the salted caramel and beat until combined.
Step 4: Add additional powdered sugar until the frosting is the sweetness and stiffness you desire.
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